What Lies Beyond The Veil

What Lies Beyond the Veil by Harper L. WoodsMy rating: 5 of 5 stars **I was provided with an ARC for an honest review.** If you adore Rhysand, then read this book.If you fancy the Bargainer series, then read this book. If you revel in Zodiac Academy, then you already bought this book…. good girlContinue reading “What Lies Beyond The Veil”

The Legend of Dracula Book 1

DRACULA: HIS FIRST CENTURIES: The Legend of Dracula, Book I by Perry Lake My rating: 3 of 5 stars **I was provided with an ARC for an honest review.** I’ve read a lot of vampire books. Like a lot. I’ve read sPaRkLy Vampires, and sExY Vampires and GiGgLy Vampires. This was my first pure horrorContinue reading “The Legend of Dracula Book 1”

The Girl at Midnight #2

Becoming Alpha by Aileen Erin My rating: 2 of 5 stars I stumbled upon this book and gave it an attempt with low expectations…unfortunately it didn’t even meet those. *face palm* Despite her hatred of attention, she turns into a total special snowflake witch werewolf “If my life were a movie, everyone would’ve noticed meContinue reading “The Girl at Midnight #2”

Nora Jacobs #2

Don’t Cheat Me by Jackie May My rating: 3 of 5 stars Welcome to the first full book of Nora Jacob’s series (#1 was a prequel check out my review) My expectations for Nora was to have her develop out of her Mary-Sueness and into her own character And I think she’s definitely on anContinue reading “Nora Jacobs #2”

Clandestine Magic #2

Radical by Colleen Cowley My rating: 4 of 5 stars **I was provided with an ARC for an honest review.** Rally up bitches, the magic feminists are back !! This was EXACTLY how a sequel should be *thank gawd* where events from the first book have consequences and everything is building up to the epicContinue reading “Clandestine Magic #2”

Clandestine Magic #1

Subversive by Colleen Cowley My rating: 4 of 5 stars **I was provided with an ARC for an honest review.** Repeat after me…. magic feminists mAgIc FemInIsTs MAGIC FUCKING FEMINISTS! That’s just brillaint I can’ttttt Meet Beatrix Harper, she’s principled. she’s protective. and she’s angry at how life has constantly given her the short endContinue reading “Clandestine Magic #1”

Born to Darkness #3

Ruby Shadows by Evangeline Anderson My rating: 3 of 5 stars I was really excited for this book. Gwen seemed like a spitfire and a previous sneak-peak of the mysterious shadow demon sparked my interest. “I’m going to be fine and get a good night’s sleep, I told myself. I had never been more wrongContinue reading “Born to Darkness #3”

Hex Hall #1

Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins My rating: 5 of 5 stars Welcome to Monster College! I mean Hecate Academy I’m sorry but how is this book not more wellknow haha (ಥ ̯ ಥ). It has all the elements! We got juvenile delinquent SUPERNATURALS, heroine coming into her powers, secret society trying to kill all supes,Continue reading “Hex Hall #1”

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