The Black Mage #4

Last Stand by Rachel E. Carter My rating: 3 of 5 stars This book was dramatic and traumatizing so thats how i’m gonna write my review. This book had me beating my head against the wall several times, but one good thing was: I have never felt a character’s despair, guilt, or pain more thanContinue reading “The Black Mage #4”

The Black Mage #2

Apprentice by Rachel E. Carter My rating: 2 of 5 stars This book took everything I loved about the first book, and shot it. Shot it in the goddamn face. RIP hopes and dreams Remember Ryiah, the independent character who focused on her goals and training? Now its just love triangle, love triangle, random fightContinue reading “The Black Mage #2”

The Black Mage #1

First Year by Rachel E. Carter My rating: 5 of 5 stars “Fifteen of us would become mages. The rest would be a courtier’s joke till the shame was finally forgotten.” No pressure hahah Meet Ryiah: Lowborn, everyday commoner who will stop at nothing for her place at the Academy I am 110% sure IContinue reading “The Black Mage #1”

Hex Hall #1

Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins My rating: 5 of 5 stars Welcome to Monster College! I mean Hecate Academy I’m sorry but how is this book not more wellknow haha (ಥ ̯ ಥ). It has all the elements! We got juvenile delinquent SUPERNATURALS, heroine coming into her powers, secret society trying to kill all supes,Continue reading “Hex Hall #1”

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