Get in the car, Jupiter

Get in the Car, JupiterGet in the Car, Jupiter by Fisher Amelie
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Lets meet the cast:
Jupiter– witty&cute heroine from a really quirky family

Erza– brooding hero with da struggles

Kai– iconic third wheel on the road trip who totally brought the whole book together
Our main character Jupiter grew up in a UFO shaped house ( which was a little ridiculous like okay maybe in Portland but then no one fuckin’ noticed she lived in a UFO after living there her whole life… ??? Nope).description

Jupiter definitely had a unique POV that was just totally goofy and hilarious to read.

“Seems I was going to be spending my time getting over Ezra Brandon on the trip instead of the opposite. You know, heh, heh, getting under him. I’m totally a grown-up. ’Cause that’s the opposite. The opposite of over is under. I’m a punny genius”

Well Jupiter is off to college and decides to catch a ride with Erza, who she been crushing on for a while, and his cousin Kai who is straight chilling.

The road trip is a whole adventure with ridiculous situations they find themselves in.

“Kai reached it first. “It’s not that bad!” he screamed toward us, and instant alleviation flooded through me until he reared his foot back. 
“No!” Ezra and I shouted, but it was too late. 
Kai kicked the fire. Kicked it. Like an asshole. 
“Oh shit!” he yelled as if in slow motion. 
“You’re supposed to stomp it, dumb ass!” Ezra hollered.”

There were well-developed secondary characters that were freaking hilarious and actively participated in the plot development. Honestly this dynamic trio had me burst out laughing throughout the whole book.

“I frantically looked around me.
“What are you doing?” Ezra asked. 
“Looking for the cameras.” I patted my body. “Let’s see, I’m the virgin in this scenario, that’s painfully obvious. Kai’s the moron that ruins any plot progress.”
“Come on,” Kai yelled, offended.”

Laughs, munchies, and car-seat dancing– just what every good road trip needs!

“They began shouting back and forth, hurling insults. 
“Boys! Stop!” I chimed in, and they both looked at me. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t actually think you’d stop. Continue.”

Traveling across the US to Washington allowed them to really get to know each other…

“His mouth opened, presumably to speak, but I stopped him with a very convincing argument. “It’s not mine! It’s not mine!”
Nailed it. 
“Gosh damn it, Jupiter Corey! What did I tell you?” he shouted”

Fun fact: Jupiter would probably suck at pokerdescription

The idea of leaving their high school selves in the rearview mirror really struck me and the idea of preparing for college and “adult life” was relatable and the perfect coming of age story.


“I don’t know, Jup. I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore. I can’t believe people are letting me decide what I’m going to do with the rest of my life when I can barely tie my shoes in the morning. I shouldn’t be trusted with that kind of decision-making. For God’s sake, Jupiter! I’ve killed at least three goldfish a year on average since the third grade because I forget to feed them.”


There were definitely some moments that I totally related to with life and figuring out what you want to do. But there was also a supportive friend with some (hilarious) advice that I took to heart and related to:

“get your ass up and stop feeling sorry for yourself whatever problem you’ve invented is bull and you will overcome it
A few seconds pause then…
You are woman! Hear you roar!”


“That was my motto. Wait until your problems compound and then rashly solve them.  It always works. Mostly. ”
Honestly just…. same


Overall it was an enjoyable book once you got to the actual road trip, I enjoyed watching the dynamic trio working together and just joking around.

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Published by cecerants

I’m Cece from Portland, and I write reviews. I love books. I genuinely enjoy engaging with characters– freaking out with them when things went wrong, laughing as the characters banter together, and celebrating successful plans. It is an amazing feeling. I find that I pick books based in moods rather than genres. I often go through “book stages” where first I’ll be in a Dragon mood then move into a vampire shift then into a darker fantasy, etc. ❀My reviews include ranting, cursing, and the occasional GIF❀ Cece | She/Her Contact | Book Blog | Goodreads Account |

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