Seven Realms #2

The Exiled Queen (Seven Realms, #2)The Exiled Queen by Cinda Williams Chima
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I honestly started this series with low expectations but the writing just captivated me with such visual characters that I felt like I was there with them.


Raisa is my fucking queen, just slays everyone.

I love her so freaking much. Her character grows so much during this series, she becomes more confident yet kinda learns how to deal with her temper *respect*

“The wolves surrounded her, tongues lolling, ears flat, bumping their great heads against her middle, nearly knocking her over.
“Great lot of good you do me,” she grumbled. “Why can’t I teach you to attack wizards on command?”


Raisa’s sass made me laugh so hard at times. She is so practical yet a dreamer. A warrior yet learns to manipulate in politics with the best of them. And she makes mistakes. So so so many mistakes. But she keeps trying and keeps sassing the shit out of everything-including magical beings.

Now can we give a little shoutout for the group dynamics! I love adore reading about friendships– Han and Dancer are a brilliant example of how to build such an iconic duo of complex characters that support each other

“Dancer’s blue eyes glinted with amusement. “Now say, ‘Copperheads are little more than leeches on the body of society—a necessary evil.’”
Han laughed. “I don’t think I can manage. Guess I’m not cut out for this.”

They continued to be hilarious troublemakers together, figuring out how to live as wizards and studying


This book also incorporates legit training *thank gawd* and the characters don’t unrealistically master their abilities overnight.

“The library’s closed, Alister. I thought everybody had already gone.”
“Sorry,” Han said. “I fell asleep.” He paused by the desk. “What day is it?”
The proficient grinned. “You need to quit working so much. It’s Sunday.”

I HATE it when books go poof now you all-powerful, congrats kid.

But the best part part this book is that FINALLY Raisa AND Hans plot lines TWINE TOGETHER


Guys this is the slow-burn developing relationship

And then there’s this scene. This fucking scene that broke my heart. Han learns how much he loves Raisa via her secret identity and he just reflects over their times together.

“She was prickly and proud, used to ordering people around and getting her own way. She was smart and opinionated—she could talk the tail off a dog. But she was fiercely kindhearted—she’d cross the street to give a coin to a beggar, and always backed the underdog in any fight. She’d shed tears over Mam and Mari—though she’d never even met them.
She demanded a lot—but demanded even more from herself.”

And then our ending. Will Raisa ever see Han again and if so could they build a relationship after so many lies?

“And what did she expect to build on that shaky foundation? By the way, Alister, I’ve been lying to you for more than a year; I’m actually a member of the royal family you despise. There’s no future for us, but I’d still like to be friends.”

Well fuck I hope so. Next book please!!

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Published by cecerants

I’m Cece from Portland, and I write reviews. I love books. I genuinely enjoy engaging with characters– freaking out with them when things went wrong, laughing as the characters banter together, and celebrating successful plans. It is an amazing feeling. I find that I pick books based in moods rather than genres. I often go through “book stages” where first I’ll be in a Dragon mood then move into a vampire shift then into a darker fantasy, etc. ❀My reviews include ranting, cursing, and the occasional GIF❀ Cece | She/Her Contact | Book Blog | Goodreads Account |

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