Seven Realms #1

The Demon King (Seven Realms, #1)The Demon King by Cinda Williams Chima
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love this book specifically for its POVs: We have the village idiot and the spoiled princess.
Except thats just the surface– there much more to these characters and I absolutely adored how their stereotypes were ripped to shreds

The village idiot with mysterious cuffs on his arm with weird symbols no one understands

“Maybe if you knew how to use them, you could— I don’t know—shoot flames from the palms of your hands.’
Han was thinking he was just as likely to shoot flames from his rear end”

Both have their own stories that merge a couple times but we are constantly wondering what is the connection between these extremely different characters??? Han use to be a streetlord that stole but tried to do better for his family. He has been accused of several murders and must go on the run. Dum dum duuuuum


The spoiled princess who would rather be warrior.. She knows she is naive on the ongoings of her own kingdom but she wants to know more, to do more. And i loved that about her

“Right, Raisa thought. If there ever comes a day that I can’t get into more mischief than Mellony, I’ll cut my own throat.”

Raisa has some very strong opinions. I just hated her name because for a while i thought of her as ‘raisin’. *shrugs*

She fears that the wizards are becoming too powerful and when a certain high lord begins to controls the queen’s thoughts or perspectives, she decides to take action on her own.


But don’t worry its not all epic political manuevers, personal vendattas, and powerful magic hidden within amulets. Theres also a REALLY REALLY cute love interest solider guy that just wants to do his part in the world but can’t control his feelings for the one he must protect

“At first she thought he was grumbling because she was late, but it seemed he was practicing some sort of speech.
“Your Highness, may I say how honored I am that you . . . ah . . . how pleased I am to be remembered . . . gaaaah.” He shook his head in disgust and cleared his throat. “Your Highness, I was astounded—no—surprised when you spoke to me, and hope that you might consider our friendship . . . Hanalea’s bloody bones!” he exclaimed, smacking himself in the forehead. “What an idiot.”


And when the two characters finally meet……!! Han is the friggenn worse to Raisa.

“She paused long enough to make up a lie. “Applying for a job.”
“Really? What kind of job? What are you good at?”
Her expression said, Cutting the hearts out of thieves and kidnappers.”

(Have i mentioned how much I love Raisa??)

It was a mysterious world of clans, high lords, and several conflicting stories about the old powerful Demon King….
highly recommend!!! And cant wait to see how the rest of the series goes.

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Published by cecerants

I’m Cece from Portland, and I write reviews. I love books. I genuinely enjoy engaging with characters– freaking out with them when things went wrong, laughing as the characters banter together, and celebrating successful plans. It is an amazing feeling. I find that I pick books based in moods rather than genres. I often go through “book stages” where first I’ll be in a Dragon mood then move into a vampire shift then into a darker fantasy, etc. ❀My reviews include ranting, cursing, and the occasional GIF❀ Cece | She/Her Contact | Book Blog | Goodreads Account |

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