The Black Mage #2

Apprentice (The Black Mage, #2)Apprentice by Rachel E. Carter
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This book took everything I loved about the first book, and shot it. Shot it in the goddamn face.

RIP hopes and dreams

Remember Ryiah, the independent character who focused on her goals and training? Now its just love triangle, love triangle, random fight scene, and….love triangle!! *face palm*


“You aren’t afraid of making the wrong one, Ry, it’s the fact that you want to make the wrong one.”

~~I hate you! I want you! But don’t want to! But i cant stop~~

Flashback to the awe inspiring friendships, bonds and clever relationships from first book. Sequel focused on BREAKING all of those ties.

“My victory had come at the cost of a friendship. I swore I would never make the same mistake twice.”

Except for the next fifity times, but besides that… NEVER!

Another thing that really bugged was there was no real sense of time. Often authors use unique holidays of the kingdom for some world-building and to mark time passing. This book literally just state ‘Its been three years’ So i was like ok sure, if you say so…

“I needed to make a choice now: the cold, distant prince or the laughing friend. And once I chose I needed to fight for it. I would never win the former, and maybe not even the latter… But I could try.”

Oh dear christ when will it end?

I mean Ian is the backup plan who doesn’t deserve to be one! He was dating Lynn and she STOLE HIM because she decided she shouldn’t want Derran. I mean damn girl just chose yourself! at no point is it required to DATE one of them. Back and forth, back and forth.

“You always do this. You swoop in and ruin my life and then you run away leaving me to pick up the pieces! Haven’t you done enough?”

Apparently not, we still got two more books.

“His eyes stayed on my face. “Ryiah. I’m not running away. I’m in lo-” “Don’t!” I clapped my hand over his mouth, suddenly afraid. “Don’t you dare say it!”

How dare he? After 200 pages of wondering what he really feels, how DARE he finally put all the cards on the table. Seriously rude!

“I didn’t know why I was so being so cruel. I didn’t know why I continued to draw out the problem when the answer was right in front of me.”

Yeah I don’t know either. But hey acknowledging you have a problem is the first step to recovery of the awful personality disease (recent plague has broken out in YA novels everywhere)

“You love Ian, I screamed silently, your heart is not breaking – you do not love the prince.”

Wait didn’t we just do this already?

(view spoiler)

Glad we both know you acted like a total b*tch.

Power of love is bullshit ~ Power of violence and swords is where its at.


“I’m alive?” Though I had spoken the words aloud, they still seemed at odds with my memory. Wasn’t I supposed to be dead”

I wish you were dead.

The end.
* Derran and RyL figure your shit out- friends, rivals, or lovers (idc just make up ur mind)
* Ella and Ry start up chaos in Academy ( adventures and figuring out magic together)
* 1st book briefly alluded twins have power together ~Alex and Ry special twin magic stuff ??
* More about mages
* Keep up awesome teachers’ personalities
* Life outside the academy,
* Cute guy from the ball to come back


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Published by cecerants

I’m Cece from Portland, and I write reviews. I love books. I genuinely enjoy engaging with characters– freaking out with them when things went wrong, laughing as the characters banter together, and celebrating successful plans. It is an amazing feeling. I find that I pick books based in moods rather than genres. I often go through “book stages” where first I’ll be in a Dragon mood then move into a vampire shift then into a darker fantasy, etc. ❀My reviews include ranting, cursing, and the occasional GIF❀ Cece | She/Her Contact | Book Blog | Goodreads Account |

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